Email Innovators: Maximizing Results with Rover, NASCAR, and BrandsMart

Creative marketers are using the Liveclicker platform to push the boundaries of what’s possible with email, finding new ways to engage subscribers and make their teams more efficient. In this edition of Email Innovators, we highlight the work of Rover, NASCAR, and BrandsMart as they drive big results and craft irresistible email promotions using advanced personalization.

More personalization = more revenue

Rover had a question: Would dynamically personalizing email content based on customers’ dog breeds drive more sales for the Rover Store? And could the team pull that off without developer resources? With Liveclicker, the answer was yes.

Rover used the Liveclicker platform to deliver dynamic hero images featuring dog breeds specific to the opener, and using Liveclicker’s A/B testing capabilities, tested this campaign against a generic email template. Both emails featured calls-to-action to visit the Rover Store, where people could buy “proud dog parent” merchandise such as t-shirts, pillows, mugs and other breed-specific swag.  The result? Pet parents love personalization. The personalized hero images delivered a whopping 80% more revenue than their generic counterparts.

The results weren’t as obvious as one might think, however. Upon first glance, it initially seemed the generic hero outperformed the personalized images because it experienced a larger open rate and more site traffic.

But with a little digging, the team found that the personalized email drove more revenue. Both groups had comparable average order values, which means the personalized email inspired action from far more customers. It’s a good reminder to always dig a little deeper into the data—engagement metrics don’t always tell the whole story. 

Email marketers know the importance of testing, and Liveclicker’s user-friendly platform drastically reduces the time needed to deploy a campaign, which requires no tech and no developer resources. As a result, Rover is able to perform 200% more tests with Liveclicker than they were able to do with their previous vendor.

Innovation pays off:

  • 200% more tests with Liveclicker than with their previous vendor
  • 80% increase in revenue over generic email
  • Huge reduction in production time

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A birthday surprise with not-so-surprising results

NASCAR knows the power of a birthday email. While the team was already seeing great results from timely and personalized offers, they thought adding a bit of fun and interactivity to their messages could increase engagement and make a big impact on their bottom line.

Using the Liveclicker platform, NASCAR took its messaging above and beyond, turning a simple birthday discount into a birthday surprise. With Liveclicker’s A/B testing capabilities, NASCAR tested a static image against a “peel-to-reveal” mystery offer. Both emails offered discounts, incentivizing customers to click through to the shop. However, the peel-to-reveal email transformed the passive promotion into a tactile, engaging experience that openers loved. 

The results exceeded expectations. Compared to the default campaign, the peel-to-reveal campaigns on average saw a 19.20% increase in CTR from April-July 2020 and a 2.9% increase in clicks. Year over year, NASCAR saw a 94% increase in conversions and a 308% increase in revenue.

Innovation pays off:

  • 94% increase on in conversions
  • 308% increase in revenue
  • 161% increase in site visits
  • 406% in orders YOY

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Easy and effective personalization

BrandsMart USA relies on a robust marketing strategy for welcoming new customers and keeping in touch with its loyal audience. After noticing a dip in engagement, along with the revenue that engagement brings, the brand needed a platform that offered marketing teams easy solutions for building engaging, dynamic campaigns without excessive training. 

By implementing Liveclicker to deliver real-time content to their customers, BrandsMart was able to craft a weekly deals campaign that showcased the latest deals (without the painstaking hassle of building new content from scratch each week). 

“We initially started with Liveclicker on their pilot program to prove its worth for the company. We immediately saw the benefit with time and cost savings it had on our teams. With such dynamic capabilities and the ease of use from setup to execution—the benefits quickly outmatched the cost. As a company we were able to save on production time, making go-to-market even easier than before.” —Bryan Persad, Director of Email

The marketing team at BrandsMart found that the robust offerings in the Liveclicker platform allowed them to implement a wide variety of dynamic content and advanced personalization without slowing down production times: a win for customers and marketers alike.

Innovation pays off:

  • 12% increase in incremental opens from 2019 to present
  • Revenue upticks of over 2% on a campaign-by-campaign basis
  • Reduced production times

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Innovation takeaways

Become an Email Innovator yourself with these relevant tips and takeaways:

Test, test, test. A great idea is just the beginning. Never be afraid to test a variety of approaches to see what works best. Using a platform like Liveclicker can make that testing easier and more efficient, allowing you to optimize your campaigns more quickly.

Engaging experiences are more effective. Finding ways to engage your audience, whether that’s through interactive experiences like NASCAR’s peel-to-reveal, or through personalization like Rover’s personalized dog breed images, an engaged audience is more likely to act.

Don’t make things harder than they need to be. Implementing dynamic content into emails campaigns is challenging and time-consuming if you’re on your own. All of our Email Innovators used an advanced personalization platform to save time and make achieving their objectives easier.


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