Power Email Relevance and ROI with In-Email Polls


I can’t even count the number of promotional emails that hit my personal inbox before 9:00 a.m. most days, which is more proof that gaining and sustaining a buyer’s attention is one of the toughest challenges facing marketers today.

So how can you break through the noise and gain attention?

The answer: Do all you can to engage your audience with captivating and relevant emails. It’s a good strategy. Research shows that:

Driving engagement is the first step in a long haul to lifting email revenue. But it’s not all. At the same time you must also increase the relevance of your messages, which will have long-lasting benefits – not the least of which is getting your emails delivered to the inbox and not the spam folder!

Real-time email polling, available through solutions like Liveclicker’s RealTime Email, is a great option for doing both: creating interactive messages and improving relevance. For example, people are often willing to take quizzes, especially when they can receive a ranking as a result. After all, doesn’t everyone want to take a quiz? (Otherwise, how would you know if you are the country or pop version of Taylor Swift?)

But not only do these live polls offer an engagement point and a unique and advanced experience for your brand, the data that is gathered can provide valuable and insightful information for personalized and relevant email campaigns in the future.

This profile-building combined with the segmentation opportunities it enables can really take your campaigns to the next level – and it’s something marketers can easily do. For example, online retailers can send a live poll asking subscribers about their shopping preferences, then follow up with an email based on those preferences. And as a best practice, you may want to take a step back and think: what information do we want from subscribers, and how do we ease them into providing that data so that we can send them the most relevant information?

The use cases can be especially impactful during seasonal or life-stage shifts when your customers’ buying behavior changes and they begin making new kinds of purchases.

Let’s take a look at some examples in travel, retail, and real estate.

Whats on your bucket list?

Most of us have a bucket list for places we want to go in the world. In the travel sector, this is a perfect way to tap into your subscribers’ dreams and encourage them to book that trip. Try embedding a poll right in email to find out. 

Once recipients have voted, you can then follow up with them in a variety of ways. If they voted for a scuba diving adventure, present them with a variety of those offers. Or you could try a tact more focused on cost, for example: You’ve taken a trip to Alaska with us, and that scuba diving trip you’re looking to take is within the same price range, so why not?

Looking to rent an apartment or buy a new home?

In the real estate and rental marketplace, the information gleaned from poll questions can be invaluable in attracting and retaining customers.

RentPath, a leading digital marketing solutions company for the rental industry, took this approach working with Digital Additive to develop an email customer journey that would help hunters find their perfect home. Adding poll questions about which amenities were most important while apartment hunting led recipients to keep the email open longer, and it achieved a 78% click-through rate for those openers who responded.

Further, leading real estate marketplace provider Zillow uses LivePoll both as a fun engagement tactic and to understand their subscribers’ preferences so they can segment subscribers based on their response: Do you prefer modern or classic? Want to be in the wilderness or need your Wifi?

In both instances, these companies can now target future emails based on the preferences gleaned from the surveys. It’s a powerful strategy to drive more relevance, engagement and delivery to the inbox.

Ready to try live polling?

Being able to offer unique engagement points, collect additional data, and personalize messages with relevant content are critical to marketers today. And doing this with RealTime Email is quick and easy. Using one image and immediate results data, it’s an out-of-the-box solution that will cure your targeting woes.

Live polling is a powerful email personalization tactic that can be used any time of year and in virtually any industry. Use these examples to inspire your next campaign.

Learn more about how Liveclicker can help you achieve this with RealTime Email.

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Liveclicker enables personalization at the moment of open. Our platform helps marketers adjust emails at any time—even after they reach the inbox—so your message is always relevant and impactful.


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