In its “Consumer Report 2017, Bots, Text, and Voice: What Cuts through the Clutter” report, Narvar profiles emails, including customer-service messages, sales and specials, loyalty programs, and product recommendations.
These findings represent a perfect opportunity for our clients to use LiveTracker to create highly engaging emails that enable customers to track shipments, while also serving up new promotions, offers, or tailored content.
On one hand, this makes perfect sense. LiveTracker is one of our most engaging RealTime Email capabilities, delivering an average click-through rate of 2.6 percent and an average open duration of 24.8 seconds.
Yet until recently, not all e-commerce clients could take full advantage of LiveTracker, only because they used shipping providers we did not support.
We wanted to do more for our clients and help them capitalize on the opportunity order-tracking emails presented. This led us to develop an integration with Shippo, which lets us support many more package carriers.
For example, with this integration we can support a number of carriers, including Newgistics, Hermes, Canada Post, and Globegistics.
And that’s just the beginning; we will have two levels of carrier support:
The (somewhat obvious) advantage is that the number of supported carriers will continue to grow over time, especially as more and more go through the certification program. Below are some of the carriers included in the program.
The end result? In the not-too-distant future, virtually any e-commerce company (in the U.S. or Europe) will be able to deploy LiveTracker. And not only can they simply use it, but they’ll be able to deliver new content their customers will love.
Interested in learning more or participating in our shipping provider beta program? Contact us today.